Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Soap Day!

This blogging takes a huge committment. I have been very bad about keeping up, I need a system like I have developed for everything else on the farm. The only way we get so much done is because we have all these systems and schedules, not very romantic of a farm life like some people think. But this totally works for us. So I am really going to try to get better about my posts.

So today I made soap! I have been a soap dabbler for a few years now, but my friend, Jennifer over at CedarHouse Soaps has been really encouraging so I made a batch this morning and so far so good. This is only my fifth batch in my life so you can see I am definiately a dabbler.

On the farm front, butcher hogs going to the processor today and I am waiting patiently for piglets, one of my sows looks like she will explode any minute. I will keep you posted.
Garden is doing well despite the weeds and the cold, cloudy weather. I am really hoping for some heat soon.