Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Already May!

I cannot believe it is almost the middle of May! This year is just flying by, it will be snowing before I know it.

Tons of stuff has been happening on the farm, had a surprise litter of piglets, didn't think the sow had bred, but managed to save some to raise for butcher hogs. The goat kids are getting really big and running everywhere. Our pasture birds are getting big and will go to the processor next month. Got our second batch of meat chicks last week so we are just rolling right along. Also picked up our steers to raise for fall processing so they are enjoying our pastures and all the fresh spring grass.

Finally managed to get the packing shed all painted, hope to move things in today. Can't wait to have all my supplies nice and organized, it will make the harvest season so enjoyable.

Have gone to two Sandpoint Farmers Markets so far this season, it of course has rained both times. Even with the cruddy weather we sold plants and goodies so I am not complaining, we have an awesome awning so we stay dry, but it is still a bit cold.

Starting this week the weather is supposed to get better and be in the 70's, I hope so, I need to thaw out these bones, lol.

Have got a few things in to the garden, peas and onions are sprouting, waiting for the chard and radishes. Will pick some spinach this week I planted in March, have two more plantings seeded, really trying to do better with succession planting, it definately is my weakness.

Have lots of nice plants this year to take to market and hoping the garden does well, this being our second season in Sandpoint, I think we should have a better year than last, and I was really happy with our last years sales. After 7 years at the Newport Market, Sandpoint feels like the big leagues for sure.

Hoping to do better this garden season with my blogging and to get some pictures posted, wish me luck!