Thursday, September 10, 2009

School has started!

What a frenzied last few weeks! The garden is in full swing, and we have been harvesting for Tuesday produce deliveries and Saturday Farmers Market in Sandpoint. We of course also harvest for ourselves and I have been trying to get a bit of canning in also. This picture is of our
outside washing and process area. I love having running water outside to clean produce, no messy kitchen.

The last week of August we spent at the Bonner County Fair because the kids were showing and selling their market hogs. They did pretty well, and were happy to sell at the Auction. It was crazy for us because we drove back and forth everyday to do our chores at home along with fair chores. We did manage to stay at fair a few nights in our trailer which the kids enjoy. After we got home on Sunday, the kids packed up fresh clothes and went camping with friends for three days, to leave mom and dad to clean out the trailer and recoop! I managed to get the rest of their shopping done while they were gone and we got bedrooms cleaned and organized before school started, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love clean rooms at the start of school.

So this Tuesday was the first day back and of course produce delivery day, so another busy one for me, but yesterday I didn't HAVE TO DO ANYTHING OR BE ANYWHERE, so I puttered around the house and got a few things cleaned and enjoyed the peace of no running!

Today, back on track, I am making jam for this weekends market, I have pretty much sold out and need to restock, also this is Taste of the Market weekend, so I need to have some samples available of my goodies I make, along with all the produce I bring. Not sure how long I will be able to harvest, it has been a bit chilly the last few days...