Thursday, June 30, 2011

Garden Progress

This spring has definately been cold and wet! We have had to get the garden work done between rain storms and puddles. This is the garden in May, we always plant the tomatoes and all of our vine crops in black weed barrier, it keeps their roots nice and toasty and keeps the weeds down for us. This year we are adding the peppers and herbs to this list.

These are my guys working so very hard weeding on Fathers Day. We had to get the bulk of our work done, this was one of our rare nice days! Alyssa and I got the rest of the garden planted while they weeded, that was huge. It is amazing how well the weeds grow in this weather.

This is our hilltop view of the farmhouse and our garden. This year we have 21 rows, they are 4' by 50'. Since it has been so cold we covered our warm weather crops with row cover.

The tall greens in the front of the picture is our garlic, it should be ready to harvest the end of July/beg. of August. The four mulched rows are our potatoes.

Hope you enjoyed the garden tour, more pictures as the garden grows...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Time does fly!!

Where has the last 4 months gone since I last posted?? Perhaps to all the snow and rain we were having, oh wait, it is still raining at least half the week.

Perhaps the time went to the sports the kids were doing or the spring cleaning I thought I would have time to do.

No, I think it went to everyday life, that somehow just gets a moving and doesn't stop, with family, friends and a farm, things just keep moving.

We have been working pretty hard this spring, getting pigs & steers, delivering goat kids, trying to get the garden in between rain showers, of course we also had my honey's work schedule, school, soccer, wedding planning and now the farmers market!

Some days I just wish time would creep instead of fly...