Friday, August 21, 2009

Fair Time

So no matter how much I organize and prepare, getting ready to go to fair is insane!
I clean and pack the trailer, even though I clean it when we put it away it still gets dusty.
I keep kitchen items and linens on board but I still need to go through and make sure everything is there and clean.

Every year we have to fix or replace something, did I mention that the trailer is 35 years old? We got a great deal and for a week at fair so worth it. So this year had to replace the toilet, found one and cleaned & packed the trailer this week, in between produce deliveries, finishing our fair books, birthing piglets, getting feed and baking for the market this Saturday. Have I mentioned the month of August is my least favorite month.

Got the trailer up to fair last night to get a decent spot, won't actually haul the hogs or ourselves up until this Tuesday. Now I only have to unload feed and harvest and pack for market tomorrow. Winter is starting to look better everyday!

Once I get to fair we have a great time, lots of time in the hog barn of course and we take the kids to the Demolition Derby on Saturday night.

I have this vision that next year will be better and more organized, I say that every year and in some ways that does happen, but we always end up with drama too. Such is the life of a farmer,
but I couldn't imagine a job I would love more.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the Kootenai Co fair tonight. As I was in the pig barn a little girl came running up asking if I was looking for a pig to buy (I was in front of her pen). She explained she was supposed to greet and shake hands with potential buyers. Too cute! In contrast, it took me several minutes to attract the attention of a boy who had a sow with a litter of two-week-old piglets, because he was talking to his friends and ignoring everyone else. I asked if the sow and selling the piglets was his project. He said yes and then immediately dropped eye contact, ignored me and began talking to his buddies again. I guess he wasn't at all interested in potential buyers!
