Monday, March 22, 2010

Busy weekend!

Was a bit surprised with how busy we were this weekend on the farm. Started our Friday with a trip to Home Depot to get supplies to wire, insulate and finish the packing shed. That is where I store and process produce throughout the summer garden season. We have only had it about 8 years and just used it the way it was. Don't want to rush into anything.

Saturday was spring chicken coop cleaning day, got that done pretty quickly along with cleaning a small shed next to it for feed and supplies, just kept everything inside the coop before but the chickens would rather roost on the feed cans than on their roosting ladder, imagine that.

Moved onto the packing shed, needed to level it before wiring could begin, also needed to build stairs after the leveling process was done. After leveling but before the stairs we emptied the shed into the large horse trailer that we are using now for storage. That will motivate me to finish it as I will need that trailer to get spring steers. Another trip to the hardward store for stair risers and some vent covers.

Why is it that every project takes twice as long and costs twice as much as you think???

Sunday was definately a day of multi-tasking, while the boys built stairs and started the wiring, I got going in the greenhouse. I moved a few flats of tomato starts out from under the grow lights in the basement to the greenhouse. A huge bale of potting soil later, I had a shelf and a half full of tomato starts, almost 300! I still have a flat and a 1/3rd. to transplant, not sure what I was thinking, I guess plenty of tomatoes to take to the Sandpoint Farmers Market in May.

Today is a cool, drizzly day, a great day for the tomatoes to be cozy in the greenhouse with the heater on, way warmer than the basement.

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