Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Loving the weather!

So the last couple of days we have had sun, clouds, hail, wind and snow, gotta love spring in North Idaho. Last week we got a couple of teaser nice days, washed a few house windows, raked some of the yard, even did some pruning and clean-up on Easter Sunday! Then back to cruddy weather. The good news, tomorrow is supposed to start getting nice so outside here I come! I need to get the rest of the plants to the greenhouse and finish transplanting. Also need to get my plant list together for my customer orders. Always so much to do and so little time. Just to keep you informed of the latest crisis, Alex was playing golf with a stick and cow pies and accidentally hit Alyssa in the head with the stick. Blood everywhere but she is fine. Lots of ice and attention and she will be good as new. Gotta love farm kids, they get hurt at every turn!


  1. Hi Tony! I found your site through a post you made on Sugar Mountain Farm's blog which said you were in northern Idaho. Whereabouts? I am in Athol :-)

    Will you have piglets for sale this spring, or do you know anyone who will? I would like to get two to raise for meat, not for 4-H, so late spring/early summer pigs are fine after the May 4-H piglet buying frenzy is done. But I do not want to keep them over the winter as I want to keep them in moveable pens to till up new garden area (and I don't want to shovel poop). They are in very short supply, the Athol people who breed for 4-H are having to travel up to 5 hours to get enough piglets for their groups. They replaced some of their breeding stock last year and too many of the new gilts didn't get pregnant.

    Meanwhile I will peruse the Nickel's Worth and Craigslist.


  2. Nevermind -- they called yesterday and after the 4-Hers were done there were still 3 little piggies left for me :-)

    Karen in Athol

  3. Hi Karen,
    Sorry so long to comment, hope you get this, we are in Priest River, so not too far away at all, hope your piggies are doing well, I have a sow who will be delivering any day now, so that would have been pushing it for you.

  4. My pigs are growing like crazy. Only 2-1/2 weeks apart in age but they are extremely different sizes and builds. They're doing a great job of tilling up new garden area for me. Two are sold when they reach butcher weight, one is for our freezer. I'm thinking about getting a couple more to raise over winter. There is a huge production farmer in Post Falls who will sell meat pigs or breeding stock at pretty much any time. I'm also doing all my own meat birds this year, we built a Whizbang plucker and it works FANTASTIC. My stepdaughters may be getting chicken for Christmas!
